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PillowTalk: Duets from Quebec

At Youtube.com: Jul 17

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PillowTalk: Duets from Quebec | July 17, 2020 at 5pm

This event took place as part of Virtual Festival 2020.

Anne Plamondon and Sylvain Lafortune have each been exploring the art of the duet with their partners, scheduled to be presented in Festival 2020. This conversation examines their work processes and discoveries.

Moderated by Philip Szporer, a Montreal-based filmmaker, writer, and lecturer who has been a longtime Pillow Scholar-in-Residence.

This event runs for approximately 45 minutes.

This event is produced in collaboration with

Nel Shelby, Producer | Loren R. Robertson, Assistant Producer/Editor
Cherylynn Tsushima, Project Manager | Vincent Vigilante, Videographer
Benjamin Richards, Videographer/Editor/Graphic Animation
Ashli Bickford, Videographer/Editor | Amber Schmiesing, Editor
Jacob Marks, Recordist | Kathryn Brodie, Intern