Festival 2025 is taking shape—meet the newly announced Ted Shawn Theatre artists.

Pillow Lab:
Michael Sakamoto

At Perles Family Studio: Oct 29

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Pillow Lab:
Michael Sakamoto

Residency: October 24–30, 2022
Showing: October 29, 2022

Garden of the Wilis is planned as a devised work blending legacies in ballet and butoh and reflecting aesthetic and cultural shifts in the performing arts as embodied in the personal narratives of the lead performers: former ABT/Broadway/film performer George de la Peña and dance theater/media artist Michael Sakamoto.

Michael Sakamoto is an artist, scholar, educator, and curator in dance, theater, photography, and media. His creative works have been presented globally in 15 countries, including at Dance Center of Columbia College-Chicago, Vancouver International Dance Festival, REDCAT, Tokyo International Butoh Festival, TACTFest Osaka, Gøteborg Art Sounds, and other venues. Recent touring works include: Flash, a butoh/hip-hop collaboration with Rennie Harris and Soil, a dance theater trio featuring Thai, Vietnamese, and Cambodian performers.

Sakamoto’s scholarship appears regularly in journals and anthologies in numerous disciplines. His book monograph, An Empty Room: Imagining Butoh and the Social Body in Crisis, is a critical autoethnography of Sakamoto’s three-decade journey through butoh history, practice, and theory, was released in 2022 by Wesleyan University Press. Michael currently serves as Performing Arts Curator and Director of Asian and Asian American Arts and Culture at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst Fine Arts Center. Website: http://www.michaelsakamoto.org.