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The Land on Which We Dance: One-Year Anniversary Celebration

At Youtube.com: Aug 5

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The Land on Which We Dance: One-Year Anniversary Celebration

This event took place as part of Virtual Festival 2020.

Read the show program (PDF)

In 2019, Jacob’s Pillow hosted a week-long landmark celebration where the campus was illuminated with an exchange of song, dance, and storytelling—bringing together local Indigenous peoples with contemporary artists based in the U.S. and Canada. Sandra Laronde, of the Teme-Augama Anishinaabe (People of the Deep Water) and Artistic Director of Red Sky Performance, worked with Jacob’s Pillow to curate this week-long celebration, in association with Christopher K. Morgan and with support from Larry Spotted Crow Mann. See excerpts of performances and story-telling on the one-year anniversary of this momentous gathering. 

Last year’s celebration marked the beginning of Jacob’s Pillow’s commitment to present Indigenous work in each Festival moving forward and practice of its institutional land acknowledgment. Read about the history of Native American connections at Jacob’s Pillow here. Learn about the celebration last year here.

Jacob’s Pillow rests on the traditional lands of the Agawam, the Nipmuc, the Pocumtuc, and the Mohican and we honor their elders past, present, and future.

Participants & Artists:

Sandra Laronde: Teme-Augama Anishinaabe
Christopher K. Morgan: Native Hawaiian
Larry Spotted Crow Mann: Nipmuc Nation
President Shannon Holsey: Mohican Nation, Stockbridge-Munsee Band
Martha Redbone: Cherokee, Shawnee, Choctaw, African-American
Soni Moreno: Mayan, Apache, and Yaqui
Tyrenn Lodgepole: Navajo
Kenneth Shirley: Navajo
Wampanoag Nation Dancers & Singers
Elsie Kaleihulukea Ryder: Native Hawaiian
Shealani Kimimila LeBeau: Cheyenne River Sioux, Niantic Pequot, and Taino
Eddie Elliott: Maori
Emily Johnson: Yup’ik
Cameron Fraser-Monroe: Tla’amin
Hector Rosa Lebeau: Cheyenne River Sioux, Taino
Red Sky Performance

This event is produced in collaboration with 

Nel Shelby, Producer | Loren R. Robertson, Assistant Producer/Editor
Cherylynn Tsushima, Project Manager | Vincent Vigilante, Videographer
Benjamin Richards, Videographer/Editor/Graphic Animation
Ashli Bickford, Videographer/Editor | Amber Schmiesing, Editor
Jacob Marks, Recordist | Kathryn Brodie, Intern